
24 March 2010

VistaPE Leopard Beta II

VistaPE Leopard Beta II What is VistaPE Leopard ? confused1.gif VistaPE Leopard is a small project but powerful reincarnated Live CD from Vista Operating System kernel core X64/X86, Service Pack 1 & 2. It is obviously built by Winbuilder engine and set of Winbuilder- scripts. Requirements to build and run. 1. Winbuilder Version 078 or above. 2. Source machine should be Windows XP sp2 or above.(Only support for x86) 3. Need Minimum Free HDD space 4gb recommended.(for mount boot.wim and install.wim) 4. Minimum RAM should be 768 Mb for 32bit, 1Gb RAM is needed for 64bit build) 5. For Virtual Testing, installed Vmware player/workstation or VisualBox will be required. For 64bit, unfortunately no Emulators is fully supported yet. 6. CD R/W Rom for cd build. 7. USB 512Mb or above for USB Booting users. Download: