
3 May 2010

Introducion of Google-wave (Rocker's World - The Zone 21)

Introducion of Google-wave (Rocker's World - The Zone 21): "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Welcome to Google \/\/ave

Youtube Welcome Wave Player
Click the links below to open waves with more information.

Getting started with Google Wave

A wave with quick tips on the basics of using Google Wave, including some how-to videos.

When to use Google Wave

Explore example waves and watch a video (8 min) to see how you can use Google Wave with friends and colleagues.

Google Wave extensions

Browse the extension gallery wave to install extensions that bring rich content into your waves and integrate with other systems.

For more tips and trouble-shooting, visit our Help Center

(will open in a separate window)

This wave is READ ONLY, so you cannot edit and reply to it.

Want it? Just email me, so I will give u an invition. Jerry